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2022 highlights

Big Drum Nation invites readers in the New York metropolitan area and beyond to attend the premiere of Kim Johnson’s Wishing For Wings (W4W) at the Festival of Cinema NYC on August 11 at 12.30 pm. The screening is at Regal UA Midway Theatre, 108-22 Queens Blvd, Forest Hills, NY. Click here to read more. 

On August 11 2022, the Wishing for Wings documentary directed by Kim Johnson and based on the book by Debbie Jacob will be shown at the Festival of Cinema in New Your City. 

Look out for the Wishing for Wings movie directed by Dr. Kim Johnson and based on the book by Debbie Jacob.

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2021 Highlights

Wayne Garcia thinks of Carrera Convict Prison, its current battle with covid19 and the way the prison has shaped his life. He recalls the early days of the worldwide pandemic and the fear that initially hit Carrera inmates when they heard of covid19.
He remembers inmates in Carrera boasting, “'We are the only island in the world where there is no covid.’
“When I was there, covid19 protocols were strict and inmates wore their masks,” he said.
Garcia felt lucky to be released from the island prison on February 21, before covid19 hit Carrera.
After waiting ten years for his trial, he had been convicted on June 20, 2018 for possession of a gun. He insists the charge was “bogus.” This was his second sentence in Carrera.

2019 Highlights

High Court Justice James Aboud celebrates with inmates from Carrera, Maximum Security Prison and Golden Grove Remand who make up the prison all-star debate Team Intellect. The historic debate between prison inmates and officers took place at City Hall on June 11, 2019. The Bocas Lit Fest and the Wishing for Wings Foundation collaborated with the prison services for this event, which was part of the City Week celebrations at City Hall, Port of Spain

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2018 Highlights

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